Freitag, 8. Juli 2011

**AutoXTen** - Scam or Real

Hey there,

everyone around the World is talking about AutoXTen an simple and powerful Opportunity with over 71000 Members where everyone could chance his Life with $10 one time out of Pocket. But the bigger the Opportunities the more skeptical People are.

Today I wanna Post the last news from the Founder Jeff Long, Scott Chandler & Brent Robinson
where they talk about the trues of AutoXTen please read the whole Post and let me know your decision.

As always I'm going to start this email by saying..."WOW"!

We sit over here every day and with every hour that passes and every upgrade and order we receive from excited, hopeful people around the world we simply have to stop, breath and give THANKS to EVERYONE that is making this happen!

We are SHATTERING records every day with THOUSANDS pouring into our business (ours meaning, our and YOURS!)

Here's the thing that has us MOST excited Peter...

All these people we see coming into the business literally EVERY MINUTE of EVERY DAY and EVERY dollar we see, WE KNOW is going back into the families, the pockets, the bank accounts and the hands of all our incredible members around the world and LIVES WILL CHANGE...PERIOD.

Now THAT is something to be part of wouldn't you say?

We have a few critics out there that don't think we're for real. That don't think we'll pay. That don't think we'll be around in 30 days. Heck these same people said we'd never get the doors open! Well LOOK AT US NOW and the truth have NOT seen anything yet!

NOW let's talk about YOU for a second...

What is it YOU want right now?

Whatever it is, it will never happen unless you take ACTION and UPGRADE your account for either $10 or $150! We know EVERYONE can afford $10 one-time, so what is stopping you if you have not made the choice to UPGRADE yet?

Maybe you STILL don't believe this is real?
Maybe you STILL don't believe you can do this?
Maybe you STILL don't believe we are going to do what we say we'll do?
Maybe you STILL are holding on to your past histories of companies stealing your dreams?

Whatever it is...we totally GET IT! We respect where you're at and we appreciate what you're going through...


Scott, Brent and myself (Jeff) have BEEN there DONE THAT! Soon if you make the choice to become part of our family here, you'll have a chance to meet us ALL face to face, shake our hands, hug our necks, look into our eyes and see we are REAL PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU.

Or MAYBE you just don't think you're going to get anything for your $10 and you don't want to just join some "money game" lemme help you out here we don't want you joining some "money game" either!

Here's what you RECEIVE for $10:

* Our PROPRIETARY TRAINING course on the BASICS of Internet Marketing called "Internet Marketing 101 - The Basics".
This is an extremely VALUABLE mix of EXCLUSIVE trainaing you can ONLY receive here at AutoXTen. THIS IS NOT SOME RE-HASHED ebook or collection of junk that you can get for a few bucks on any re-seller site on the internet. NO WAY! Here's what it consists of:

- Internet Marketing 101 eManual
- 3 Set Audio Series Covering the Material in the eManual
- Mp3 audio training on list building.
- Mp3 audio training on how to leverage facebook, twitter and other social networks.
- Mp3 audio INTERVIEWS with "average Joes" just like you who are making it happen online!
- Access to our WEEKLY, AutoXTen XClusive LIVE WEEKLY training CALLS hosted by 5 and 6 figure earners in this industry!!!

WOW! Can you say "VALUE"?! Yup and all for only the $10 ONE-TIME!

Bet you didn't realize you would get so much for so little did you?

Make the choice Peter...upgrade today even if it's only for the $10! Let's be honest...whether you upgrade for $10 or $150 today makes no difference to us...we will STILL go on to change THOUSANDS of people's lives, we will STILL go on to create a HUGE community of like-minded people that trust and respect one another, we will STILL go on to making HISTORY in this industry...but there will be one thing missing...YOU! Don't let that happen!

Login and LOCK IN NOW!

Simply head on over to our website and click member login.


1) We are hearing a few people out there that do not have the right perception of us thinking that we "lied" to you all about us not having a monthly fee or mandatory autoship because we introduced the Freedom Phase...PLEASE KNOW THAT IS NOT TRUE! The Freedom Phase is 100% OPTIONAL and NOT REQUIRED to earn or receive value from our business. You will have the option of completely "opting-out" from EVER being put into the Freedom Phase if you would LIKE and you will NOT be put on a subscription unless you CHOOSE to do so! So hopefully that clears that up :)

2) The $150 Phase 1 Product Pack DOES NOT include the Freedom Phase. We know a few had a question about that.

3) YES we will be building the matrix according the the TIME STAMP (date and time) of when you joined AutoXTen during our pre-launch! NOT according to who pays first. We also will NOT be "manipulating" the matrix in anyway, putting leaders at the top that aren't already there or anything like you are used to. Again, we operate in complete honesty and integrity and want to give EVERYONE a fair shot at success with us.

4) Pay it forward using our new X-Codes! It's an amazing thing that happens when you pay it forward to someone and give them a gift. Think of at least 4 people whos lives you want to bless with this opportunity, and pay it forward to them ONLY ON THE CONDITION that THEY in turn will do the SAME for 4 other people! This is a beautiful concept and can work like CRAZY in providing massive duplication and growth in your business...HOWEVER BE CAREFUL! Don't put "dead-beats" in your organization just to fill spots! You don't want to just "fill spots" you want to have ACTIVE, MOTIVATED, EXCITED people on your team. When you log in to your back office, you will see where to purchase these x-codes.

5) Our support staff is "kicking butt and taking names!" thanks for your support and respect of our staff and especially your patience. We know supporting our members is CRUCIAL and we are striving to provide excellent member support!

6) THE CLOCK IS TICKING AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR YOU AND YOUR TEAM! It is TIME to kick it into high gear my friends!!! Don't let yourself OR your team members be left out when we build this will be one of the worst mistakes you will make and one of the greatest blessings you can give yourself and those you care about.

Be sure to jump on our company calls that run DAILY, that information is below! And SHARE OUR SIZZLE call with others! (Also below)

So again...THANK YOU to everyone out there that is making this happen with us and THANK YOU to our critics and those that are trying to hold us down because you only make us STRONGER ;-)

Here's that all important call info again:

3 PM & 9 PM (Eastern Time)
218-862-6789 PIN 410632#

858-400-8451 PIN # 8180767817#

AutoXTen has an Awesome Sizzle Call
English 646-222-0301
Spanish 646-222-0302

Keep up the great work, we appreciate all of you and can't wait for MONDAY!!

In Gratitude,

Jeff Long, Scott Chandler & Brent Robinson Founders

P.S. If you're still on the fence....think about this. What will you spend $10 on this week? Will it give you any where NEAR the IMMEDIATE value you're going to receive here with us? Will it give you any where NEAR the POTENTIAL value you COULD receive here with us? Just think about it the next time you drop $10 on something...

You can join our Team here >>>> AutoXTen

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